Well-being and sustainability

So B7 connects people and nature, architecture and life, in a harmonious and carefully balanced way. The building breathes in synch with the people inhabiting it; its forms and features are designed to promote mental-physical well-being. Greenery, light, the quality of the building, a view opening up to the future: these are all aspects that can improve people’s mood, productivity and work, as well as strengthening bonds, the community and cooperation. Because looking to the future means respecting environmental resources and those of people. As well as blending quietly into its surroundings, the project is also designed to have reduced environmental impact.


The 4650 m² of outdoor areas, including green squares, terraces and gardens, will be shaped into a rhythmic pattern of lawns, plants and flowers to create a constantly changing mixture of colours, scents and chromatic shades. Constantly changing scenarios will be created with the help of a selection of different species of bushes, trees, flowers and hedges arranged in a carefully thought out and designed layout with great attention and respect for everything on the premises: staff working in the building, of course, but also a variety of living organisms will find their own ideal natural habitat. B7 will be the kind of safe and beautiful community that has a positive effect on emotions and feelings, accommodating and safeguarding interaction, ensuring privacy and guaranteeing workers’ well-being. A small yet big community of people will follow the rhythm they set in their own little tightly knit domain.


La sostenibilità di B7 si esprime attraverso sistemi attivi – l’impianto solare fotovoltaico, la gestione delle acque e dei consumi energetici – e sistemi passivi, come le oasi verdi per la biodiversità e la gestione degli impatti climatici.
I materiali costruttivi, la qualità dell’ambiente interno, la nuova facciata a basse emissioni e con doppi vetri, con il sistema di ombreggiatura per schermatura in doghe di vetro, insieme all’eccellente connessione con i trasporti pubblici rappresentano altri fattori chiave che consentiranno di ottenere la certificazione LEED PLATINUM.

Via Cordusio 1
20123 Milano
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Piazza Armando Diaz 7
20123 Milano




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